Please send me a message if you think a certain content needs to be improved or added.
Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)
Austrian Academic Exchange Services (ÖAD)
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Forschungskredit University of Zurich
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
European Union
European Research Council (Horizon Program)
EXCITE-Network (Free of charge X-ray tomography and electron microscopy imaging)
Agence Nationale De La Recherche
Petzl Foundation (climbing equipment)
British Society of Geomorphology
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides (TCN)
BCal: Bayesian radiocarbon calibration
CRONUS-Earth: Online in-situ TCN and shielding calculator by Greg Balco (Marrero et al. 2015)
CRONUS Earth: Web Calculator by Purdue University
Shielding Calculator: (Balco calculator)
CosmoCalc: Excel Add-in by Pietr Vermeesch
CREP: Cosmic Ray Exposure Program
Cosmogenic Soil Production rate calculator
iceTEA: Tool for Exposure Ages form ice margins by Jones et al. 2019
ICE-D: Local Production Rate Calibration
Isoplot: Excel Add on
OxCal: Calculating meteoric 14C ages
SHED: Schmidt Hammer exposure dating
TCN-Introduction: GFZ, Helmholtz and Cologne
TCN-Codes by Ángels Rodés
Fallout Radionuclides (FRN)
MODERN: Modeling Deposition and Erosion rates with RadioNuclides
Inventory Method
Profile Distribution Method
Proportion Model
Simplified Mass Balance Model
2nd Mass Balance Model
Mass Balance Model with tillage
Soilbook - Soil profile Network
Graphic Design
ColorBrewer (or this)
Coolors (Color schemes generator)
Infographics (by Adolfo Arranz)
ESRI: GIS Software and data depot
Earthpoint Coordinate Converter
GCDkit: GeoChemical Data Toolkit for whole rock analysis (e.g. XRF)
ODSN: Plate Tectonic Reconstruction Service
OpenTopography: Data and Tools
PALEOMAP: Plate and Climate Reconstruction
PaleoGlobe: Global Geology Paleoglobes (kml)
StreamProfiler: River profiles MATLAB
SSA-MTM: Toolkit for Spectral Analysis
THERMOCALC: Software to model phase equilibria (HPx-eos)
TopoToolbox: relief and flow analysis for DEM
TopomapNZ Topo maps of New Zealand
Zonums: Large set of tools to extract data out of online maps
General Earth Data
Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean
CSDMS (Surface Dynamics Modeling)
Digital Elevation Model for the US
Digital Elevation Model Etopo5
EarthData (by NASA)
NOAA (Environmental Information)
NOAA (Paleo Data Search)
OpenGeoScie (Published Data Map)
OpenLayers: (Mapping Library)
Sediment Thickness of the World
Earth Satellites
Sentinel Hub (Observation data)
NOAA (satellite Maps)
Copernicus (Open Access Hub)
Natural Data (great for GIS backgrounds)
Free Book download
ESRL (Greenhouse gases)
Dendro Database (WSL)
ICE-D (Cosmogenic-nuclide exposure age database)
ICE-D (Production rate calibration data)
International Tree Ring Bank (Data Repository)
IntChron (Radiocarbon)
14Sea (Excel database on radiocarbon dates)
OCTOBUS (Cosmogenic Isotope and Luminescence; MORE Info)
Publications with TCN data (Pangaea)
Andes 14C (Radiocarbon Database for Central Andes)
Global compilation of 10Be and 26Al (Jakob Heyman)
Global whole rock geochemical database (Gard et al., 2019)
North American volcanic and Intrusive Rock Database (NAVDAT)
Petrological Database of the Ocean Floor (PetDB)
Geochemistry of Rocks of the Oceans and Continents (GEOROC)
Sediment samples from marine sediment cores (SedDB)
Metamorphic petrology database (MetPetDB)
National Geochemical Database (USGS)
BORIS - Digital Soil Maps Austria
eBode - Digital Soil Map Austria
ISRIC - Soil Geographic Database
JRC - National Soil Maps Europe (EUDASM)
International Soil Moister Network
General Repositories
Overview (Wikipedia)
CERN Data Center (Switzerland)
DataONE (Germany)
GeoGratis (Canada)
PANGAEA (Germany)
USGS Repository Catalog (USA)
Link to my journal page with short descriptions of various geo-journals! Here you find an extensive EXCEL list. Most common Geoscience Journals are listed here. In case if you are looking for open access journals ( Please also look at GeoRef.
Annales Geophysicae (Copernicus)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (Copernicus)
Biogeoscience (Copernicus)
Climate of the Past (Copernicus)
Earth Surface Dynamics (Copernicus)
Earth System Dynamics (Copernicus)
Geochronology (Copernicus)
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
Geoscientific Model Development (Copernicus)
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (Copernicus)
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (Copernicus)
Soil (Copernicus)
Solid Earth (Copernicus)
The Cryosphere (Copernicus)
International Journal of Speleology
Geosphere (GSA)
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science
Australien Journal of Earth Sciences (Blackwell)
Catena (Elsevier)
Chemical Geology (Elsevier)
Computers and Geoscience (Elsevier)
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Elsevier)
Earth Science Reviews (Elsevier)
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Wiley)
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Wiley)
Geophysical Journal International (Blackwell)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Geoderma (Elsevier)
Geofluids (Wiley)
Geomorphology (Elsevier)
GSA Bulletin, GSA Geology, Geology, GSA today
Journal of Applied Geophysics (Elsevier)
JGR Solid Earth (AGU)
Journal of Metamorphic Geology (Wiley)
Journal of Geodynamics (Elsevier)
Journal of African Earth Sciences (Elsevier)
Journal of Petrology (Oxford)
Journal of Structural Geology (Elsevier)
Land Degradation and Development (Wiley)
Lithos (Elsevier)
MethodX (Elsevier)
Mineralogy and Petrology (Springer)
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (Elsevier)
Precambrian Research (Elsevier)
Reviews in Geophysics (Wiley)
Tectonics (AGU)
Quaternary Science Review (Elsevier)
Quaternary Geochronology (Elsevier)
Geology & Geography
Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft
Österreichische Geographische Gesellschaft
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie
Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft
Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Austrian Research Association on Geomorphology
AK-Geomorphologie (Germany)
Britisch Society for Geomorphology
International Association of Geomorphologists
Swiss Geomorphological Society
Young Geomorphologists (Switzerland)
Young Geomorphologists (Germany)
IAG Network of Young Geomorphologists
Österreichische Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft der Schweiz
Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
These are just the "usual" month they are held, please check for shifts due to the current pandemic.
Conference Listings, Geology Conferences, World Academy List
Nordic Workshop on CNT
Mail Services
JISCM@il (Mailing list server)
JASON: PostGraduate Scholarship Search Engine
PETERSON: Scholarship search engine
EduDonor Index (Worldwide Directory of Grant)
Instrumentl (Grant acquisition)